Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2022

Blue Sky

The beauty of blue and the warmth of the blue sky

Hello again, welcome to CHOCO BLOG. After  talking about one of my hobbies, swimming, this time I will tell you how I really admire the blue sky and my hobby of taking pictures!

Maybe this is not a rare hobby, many people may feel the same way. Admire the beauty of the white and blue colors up there and then take a picture or just look at it in the morning or evening.

I have many photos of blue sky scenery, I will share some of them :

July 10,2022 - 7:20 
( Eid-Al adha - Al-munawar Tulungagung)

July 8,2022 - 16:28
( My Home - Tulungagung )

July 20, 2022 - 16:23
( SDN Sapikerep 2 - Probolinggo )

August 4, 2022 - 13:21
( Arif Mustaqim 6th Floor Balcony - Tulungagung )

September 8, 2022 - 6:45
( Pucuk Matahari Family Guesthouse - Surakarta )

Some of the photos above were taken using a my own handphone. ( Redmi Xiaomi Note 7 )

In essence, the blue sky makes me calm and feel happy. Especially if the sky is blue when the air is cool and clean.

Are you the one who hasn't understood the beauty of the sky? If you are currently indoors, try to go outside to stare at the sky for a moment. You will not only realize its beauty, but will also get the benefits for mental health. Here are some of psychological benefits for looking at sky

  • You Become Believer in Natural Beauty
  • You Can Clear Your Mind
  • You Can Feel Freedom
  • and Realize That You Are Not Alone

Maybe it's enough to just talk about the love of the blue sky and take pictures here. See you in the next post !

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My name is Achmad Noven Choirul. I am a 5th semester student majoring in English Education from the ” Fakultas Tadris dan Ilmu Keguruan ( FTIK ) ” UIN SATU Tulungagung.

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