Sabtu, 24 September 2022

Swimming : One of my hobbies

Likes to play in water, one of my hobbies is swimming

Hello, welcome back to the CHOCO Blog. Having previously discussed the world of entertainment, this time I want to tell you about my hobby “swimming”.

So my post this time will tell you about the hobby of swimming, from how I swim and why I like swimming.

So, since childhood I have liked swimming. Maybe since when I was in kindergarten. Which used to be swimming in a swimming pool that was full of wahan and games, from there I liked swimming. In addition, I also like to play with water. Since childhood I was classified as a child who had a high height, maybe because of one of my hobbies.

Moving to elementary school, I also had a chance to take a swimming course. At that time my course was in front of Dr. Iskak Tulungagung. I forgot the name of the swimming pool.

Even now, I am still actively swimming in my spare time during college. Sometimes I also swim with my classmates or alone. I usually swim in “Wardana”

Wardana Swimming Pool

In my opinion, swimming can relieve fatigue and stress. In addition, swimming is also healthy for the body. Swimming with a duration of 1-2 hours we can feel the difference afterwards. We feel fresher, besides that we sleep much more ” rest well ” than usual.

So that’s my story about swimming which is one of my hobbies. See you in the next post !

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My name is Achmad Noven Choirul. I am a 5th semester student majoring in English Education from the ” Fakultas Tadris dan Ilmu Keguruan ( FTIK ) ” UIN SATU Tulungagung.