Senin, 17 Oktober 2022

JKT48 " Idols You Can Meet "

JKT48 as My Idol - "New Life of Mine"

Hello, Welcome back to my Blog ! On this occasion I will tell you how JKT48 became my idol and what unique things have happened in my life when I became a fan of an Idol group from Indonesia. Have you ever heard what JKT48 is? or are you even a fan of them?


What is JKT48 ?

JKT48 is an idol group from Indonesia and the first AKB48 sister group outside of Japan. Adopting the AKB48 concept, "idol you can meet", this group holds regular performances at the JKT48 Theater located at fX Sudirman, Jakarta. ( Wikipedia ) 


Next I will tell you how I can become a JKT48 fan and what experiences I have gone through as a JKT48 fan. 😉😁

    It started when I was in 7th grade. At that time, there was a female classmate of mine who happened to know about JKT48 first. At that time I was curious by the wallpaper she used, her wallpaper at that time was " Nabilah " the first generation of JKT48 members.

From then on, I started to find out about JKT48 and often discussed with my friends to talk to each other about JKT48 and ask more questions about what is JKT48?....
Over time with my growing curiosity with JKT48, I started to reactivate my social media accounts with the aim of digging further about JKT48 and following various social media platforms of each member of JKT48.

Until it was time for me to start following various JKT48 fanbase groups on Facebook. And that's when I started getting to know many people from various backgrounds from all over Indonesia, including I started to find the JKT48 fanbase group from my own area of ​​Tulungagung called "T48 | 48 Family  Tulungagung".

This fanbase is not only a supporter of JKT48, but also other JKT48 sisters  from Japan. Such as AKB48, HKT48, SKE48, NMB48 and others.


        After joining them, I usually gather with them regularly at Alun Alun Tulungagung from 6 pm to 10 pm on Saturdays. As long as I was a JKT48 fan, I had many experiences with fellow fans from Tulungagung, starting from concerts, fan gathering events throughout East Java and other events.

In June 2014, JKT48 released its first film entitled "Viva JKT48". We JKT48 fans from Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Blitar, and Kediri watched together at the Golden Theater Tulungagung.

Golden Theater Tulungagung

    Then my first experience meeting with JKT48 in person for the first time was when they did a Concert Tour around Indonesia, October 18, 2014 at Gor Wilis Madiun. At that time I was very happy and looking forward to their performance, because it was my first moment to meet them. Especially when I was able to meet Nabilah directly at that time, Nabilah was a member of the 1st generation JKT48 that I liked at that time. I went there with some friends from Tulungagung and Trenggalek to rent a car together. At that time I was in the 2nd grade of junior high school. At the event, I had the opportunity to buy a VIP ticket for around 285,000 IDR

Gor Wilis Madiun

This is a photo from their concert at Gor Wilis Madiun, October 18, 2014. I lost the photo from my phone , so it's a photo taken by @officialJKT48

Then the following month, November, was an event held by the JKT48 fanbase from Blitar, which at that time was 2 years old. events. The event was held at the Melati Blitar Building on November 29, 2014, the event was attended by various fanbases from East Java such as Tulungagung, Malang, Kediri, Surabaya and so on.

The event became an event for a meeting of various fans from East Java, to connect ties of brotherhood and together always support JKT48 in the future.

Gedung Melati Blitar

Then next is the experience of making a project with T48 colleagues | 48 Family Tulungagung, which is making a birthday project for one of the members who at that time served as captain of JKT48 in 2015. This project was carried out right before her birthday until the day changed to January 2, 2015 right when she turned 19 She was " Devi Kinal Putri " the captain of JKT48 at that time.

This activity was carried out at the house of one of the founders of the Tulungagung regional fanbase. This event is done by having fun while doing grilled corn and others.

Kinal's Birthday - 2 January 2015

        In the same year, on Saturday 30 May 2015. Tulungagung was appointed as the host of the biggest gathering event in East Java for JKT48 fans, namely the "9th JKT48 Fans East Java Gathering" event.

JKT48 Fans East Java is an organization or community that contains a fanbase of JKT48 fans from all over East Java, such as from Surabaya, Tuban, Gresik, Malang, Kediri, Tulungagung, Trenggalek and so on.

Then the East Java Gathering event is usually held every few months and takes turns taking turns in various regions in East Java, with the aim of gathering the entire fanbase from East Java. Besides that, an event like this is also to strengthen the ties of brotherhood as JKT48 fans. Events like this are usually done with fun such as eating together, singing, games to dance covers.

The 9th JKT48 East Java Fans Gathering was at the Gedung Balai Rakyat, Tulungagung.

        The following month, on June 27, 2015, to be exact, was the birthday of the Kediri JKT48 Fanbase. This event coincides with the fasting month. So that this event is carried out simultaneously with breaking the fast with all fans of East Java. This event was held at Skyline Cafe Kediri

This event was attended by fans from East Java, and Dance Cover from Kediri.

Also in 2015, there was a fan association from Tulungagung with a dance cover of VKE48. This event is an ordinary gathering of T48 | 48 Family Tulungagung intends to gather fans from Tulungagung.

This event was held at the Rejoagung Tulungagung Stadium.

Back to the event with fellow JKT48 fans throughout East Java. Next is the event held by JKT48 Fans from Kediri. This event is titled a mini theater filled with dance covers from East Java. This event was held at the GNI Building, Kediri on May 14, 2016

Also 2016 was a very memorable year for me. because this year, when the 3rd grade of junior high school. I had a chance to meet my idol again. Precisely at 3 - 4 June 2016.

This event lasts 2 days, the first day is filled with JKT48 concerts for all members, and the second day is the handshake event.

I went there with all JKT48 fans from Tulungagung by train. There I stayed at Hotel Darmo. This event is held from Friday to Saturday at 88Avenue Surabaya. This event is themed "Wayahe Suroboyo Rek Live Concert "

This event was very memorable for me, apart from being my first time on a train, this event was also attended by all JKT48 members at that time. Unlike the concert on October 18, 2014, which was only attended by 16 members. The event in Surabaya was attended by more than 30 members. And also that event was the first time I was able to take part in a handshake event. At the event, my friends and I took Festival or Stand type tickets. 

        Then we will continue to the next year, in 2018. Back again with the JKT48 Concert. I met them again at the Circus JKT48 Tour event which was held at UMM Dome Malang on July 5 2018. This event was not as big as the JKT48 Concert event. But more for events such as festivals, this event contains photos together with JKT48 members, Fungames, and the end of the event is a Mini Concert.

I went to this event with my two friends on a train from Tulungagung to Kota Baru Malang station. 

This event was attended by JKT48 Team J. At this event I also had the opportunity to take pictures with a member named "Michelle Christo Kusnadi" a member of the 3rd generation of JKT48.

        In the same year, December 8, 2018. JKT48 held a Circus again with the theme "Road to 7th Anniversarry, Saka Agari Handshake Festival Event" at Tunjungan Plaza Convention Hall, Surabaya.
Like the previous event, this event is titled Festival event and also a mini concert.

Embarrassing photo 😆

At this event I had the opportunity to take a photo with one of my favorite members from the 6th generation, "Erika Ebisawa". At this event I also had the opportunity to do a handshake event with her, this event was the last time I met her as a member of JKT48. Because in the following year, precisely in February 2019 he decided to graduate or leave JKT48 and continue his career as a student in Japan, because Erika is of Japanese and Indonesian descent.


        And next is the event in 2019. This event is a big concert, namely the JKT48 8th anniversary concert. The event was  held on December 21 - 22, 2019.

The first day of this event was the Handshake Festival with the theme "Joy Kick and Tears". Like my previous discussion, the Handshake Festival Event itself is an event where we have the opportunity to shake hands and chat with JKT48 members. In addition, this event is also filled with 2Shot events (taking pictures with members) of course paid, every 1x photo is 100.000 IDR using Polaroid

At this event I had the opportunity to take pictures with Indonesian and Malaysian member "Tan Zhi Hui Celine" from JKT48 4th generation.

First day event - 21 December 2019. TP Hall Surabaya

At this event held in Surabaya, I stayed at the Livinn Hotel Surabaya. This hotel is themed as a capsule hotel which is not far from Gubeng Station, Surabaya. I stayed there alone for 1 night.

        Then for the second day of the event, it was the final event, namely the JKT48 8th anniversary concert. This event is the first JKT48 anniversary concert to be held outside Jakarta, to be precise at TP Hall Surabaya.

This event was the most memorable event for me as long as I was a part of JKT48 fans. With a Gold ticket that I bought from my own hard work (before I enrolled in college), because before enrolling in college I worked for one year in the "Chicken Geprek" franchise, FYI I am a 2019 graduate and gapyear for one year and enrolled in college in year 2020.

Why is this event the most memorable event for me? apart from the ticket I bought from my own hard work, with a GOLD ticket for 280.000 IDR , with a random seat number I got a seat with the best view and very close to the concert stage. I was right behind the VIP ticket row and got a seat right in the middle. Which, this is a seat that is close to the main middle road that JKT48 members can pass when getting off the stage.

From this view, I could clearly see the JKT48 members and were approached by them when they got off the stage. This is the best concert event in my life

This event is also where the song "Rapsodi" the first JKT48 original single was sung by them. You can see their original single on YouTube, by clicking on ( This )

And this is my position when I saw the 8th anniversary JKT48 concert at TP Hall Surabaya.. and also the following is a photo from @officialJKT48, and in the circle is my face photographed by Official JKT48, right next to the member " Ratu Vienny Fitrilya ", when the members sing into the audience.

Instagram @jkt48

And also I got a ball signed by a JKT48 member, which was thrown during the show. It was written that I got autographs from Oniel and Adel, which until now are still neatly stored in my Collection box

Besides this event which was very memorable for me, this event was the last event I saw before the 2020 pandemic hit. And for almost 2 years JKT48 experienced a decline and slump during the pandemic, so they fired more than 20 JKT48 members due to lack of income.


        After 2 years of not having a show outside of Jakarta, for the first time JKT48 did a tour concert again. Precisely on June 25, 2022, at City of Tomorrow Mall Surabaya.

This event is titled Tour JKT48 Series 2. This event is the first event out of town after 2 years of the pandemic. This event was attended by thousands of fans from East Java and even outside East Java. The event this time was very crowded, because it had been a long time since JKT48 had gone on a tour, so it made fans feel " I mis JKT48 Members " . Even this time, JKT48 with its new formation with new theme " NEW ERA "  also has many new fans. from kids until an adults

And again, I went to Surabaya by train and stayed one night at Livinn Hotel "again". Besides being cheap, Livinn Hotel is very close to gubeng station, where I got on and off the train.

Not to forget, I also did 2Shot (Photo Together) with JKT48 members. " Fiony Alveria " from the 8th generation.  ( Different from previous event, this 2Shot event taken by our own phone, not using a polaroid )

Even though I went alone from Tulungagung, while in Surabaya I rode a motorbike around Surabaya with my friend who is also a JKT48 fan from Tulungagung who is studying in Surabaya.

This is the latest event that I visited while being a JKT48 fan for now. Like the last JKT48 8th anniversary concert, where they performed their first original single at the concert. In Tour 2 this time they also brought the second original Single. with the title "Flying High" for the video and song of the single, you can click (here.... )


And here are some photos of the JKT48 merchandise collection that I have!
Some of them was Photopacks (Photos from JKT48 members), my collection is mostly photos of members that I like

Among them are Nabilah Ratna Ayu from 1st Geneartion, Elaine Hartanto from 3rd Generation (who is now married and has children), then there is Tan zhi Hui Celine who has just graduated from JKT48 from 4th Generation, there is also Erika Ebisawa from 6th Generation who is currently in Japan for her undergraduate education there. and others

Then there is the Lightstick, the Lightstick is a lamp that fans usually use to watch concerts, I bought it for 200.000 IDR  during the October 18, 2014 concert at Gor Wilis Madiun. Then there is also a collection of various JKT48 DVDs and CD singles.

And there are many more in my collection such as magazines and so on which are neatly stored in my collection box!

This is my long story that I wrote based on a true story and my life experience while being a fan of JKT48. from 2013 while sitting in grade 1 junior high school ( 13 years old ) until now Semester 5 ( 22 years old ).

Maybe at this time I don't really follow JKT48 activities and I don't even know JKT48's newest songs, because I've withdrawn from my interest in being a JKT48 fan, but I still actively participate in or watch their concerts if  they're in East Java tour.

And one of the places I want to visit and so far haven't been able to, is to visit the JKT48 show building which is located on the 4th floor of FX Mall Jakarta. " JKT48 THEATER "

JKT48 Theater from Outside

JKT48 Theater from Inside ( During Show )

tickets for each show around 120.000 IDR - 200.000 IDR with 1 setlist showing 16 songs for 2 hours.

It's time for me to retired from being JKT48 fans, because of the busy world of lectures and looking to the future for my sake...

I am proud and never regret being a part of JKT48 fans for 8 years. This is a sweet memory in my life that I never imagined before.. How, is JKT48 interesting for you? I don't hesitate to tell you about JKT48 if you want. You can get in touch with my various contacts available on this website.

I apologizes  if there are a lot of spelling mistakes and my bad gramatical. Thank you for being willing to read this long post of mine, this is a flashback for my life. See you in my next post

See you later ! 😇 

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My name is Achmad Noven Choirul. I am a 5th semester student majoring in English Education from the ” Fakultas Tadris dan Ilmu Keguruan ( FTIK ) ” UIN SATU Tulungagung.

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