Kamis, 01 Desember 2022

Parfume: Smell is a word, perfume is literature

" Parfume is personal magic. It is first impression and a lasting recollection "

 There is something quite magical about fragrance and scent, and perfume is about so much more than smelling good. Our choice of fragrance shares a little bit of our inner self with the world, from light, floral and joyful, to intense, rich and seductive, our perfume contributes to leaving a first impression on people never met before, and that’s quite amazing. To think that something so simple as a scent, can share such intimate details about a person’s inner thoughts without uttering a single word.

Perfume is one of the things that I must own and wear, without perfume I don't feel confident. Perfume gives positive vibes and a clean impression. Perfume itself has a variety of smells and tastes.

Perfume has many benefits, especially in terms of aromatherapy, releasing stress, and providing a relaxing effect. Many certain fragrances are commonly used for body health, especially releasing stress. Perfume, in addition to increasing self-confidence, can also strengthen memory and cause feelings of happiness.

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My name is Achmad Noven Choirul. I am a 5th semester student majoring in English Education from the ” Fakultas Tadris dan Ilmu Keguruan ( FTIK ) ” UIN SATU Tulungagung.