Sabtu, 10 Desember 2022

Creative Writing : To infinity and beyond

Creative Writing

“The most beautiful things are those that madness prompts and reason writes.”
—Andre Gide

What is called Creative Writing? Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics. This is what we find if we search for these meanings on the internet. Not far from the meaning that is circulating, Creative Writing in my opinion is the freedom to write with various topics, stories, and various genres. We can choose freely without being constrained by choices. Creative Writing is one of the courses this semester that focuses on writing.

Talking about Creative Writing, on this occasion in semester 5 we were taught by Mrs. Nurul Chojimah in this course is called "Creative Writing" according to the discussion this time. She introduced us to writing and freedom in write. She also explained the important purpose of freedom in writing. This course is designed to increase the students’ eagerness to write in English. In the long term, writing is expected to be the students’ habit. This is designed for cultivating the habit of writing in English and publishing it. The students’ productivity and their courage to publish their product are the main concern of this course. In this course, students are free to write any genre of writing.  The media used in Creative Writing here is using online media in the form of websites (or commonly called blogging). Blogging was chosen to be the medium in this course to make it easier for us to do our work, besides that we are also trained to be creative and active students as if they were reliable bloggers.

Freedom in choosing topics is another convenience in this course. We are not bound by topics which can be a big obstacle in writing. Mrs. Nururl Chojimah gives us the opportunity to be free to express and be as creative as possible to develop talents and ideas in writing and to familiarize ourselves with being trained in writing. We are used to expressing writing ideas as freely as we like and as much as we want. We become passionate in writing and expression. Writing publications also make it easier for us, by going online through blogspot, whatsapp, and also Google classroom which has become our daily food as students who have taken online learning for 2 years. Apart from that, it is hoped that the publication media will always be available and prove that we have had works of art that we can see anytime and anywhere.

In addition, in this Creative Writing course we get a lot of benefits, especially in the field of writing. We train ourselves to be an active student. Maybe at first a task like this seems burdensome for some people, especially if you don't have experience in writing. However, this has been increasing day by day for the past few months, it has not seemed burdensome for all, and has instead become something enjoyable. Even now, even though I'm still lazy in reading, writing is one of my favorite things. Creative Writing can also be a place for us to tell stories, maybe we can write down happy, sad or bitter experiences in our lives which can make us relieved. Apart from that, we can also read the writings of our friends which seem fun and sometimes we become motivated by other people's writings. We can also give feedback to each other to build each other's enthusiasm.

Creative Writing is one proof that my dream in writing has been achieved. Writing as much as we want and as freely as we are is one of my dreams for a long time, and this course is a place for me to make it happen. From starting to discuss about idols, music, games and others, I have written during this course. This course provides a very beautiful experience. Later these writings can become a "golden memories" when we are old. We can always re-read the writings and become memories in itself. There's so much that we can pick up in this Creative Writing course. I think Mrs. Nurul Chojimah was very successful in guiding us in this semester 5 class. There is a lot of knowledge about authorship that we can take positively. As a lecturer who has always been patient for half a year and galvanized us to always be active in writing. Last but not least, I hope that with this Creative Writing for the foreseeable future and in the future we can remain active in writing to develop our ideas and be creative as the purpose of this course was made.

Achmad Noven Choirul
Creative Writing

Tulungagung, 10 December 2022

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My name is Achmad Noven Choirul. I am a 5th semester student majoring in English Education from the ” Fakultas Tadris dan Ilmu Keguruan ( FTIK ) ” UIN SATU Tulungagung.